Thursday, April 23, 2009

Final First Draft

Television has been a mainstream form of media for decades and what is being shown on the channels are sending out an image, a message which the public take, whether they realize it or not. There are shows that the public don't suspect to be creating or redefining an image in society and those tend to be the comical shows, the sitcoms. As the 90's came close the number of sitcoms grew and they were based on all different story lines and have different backgrounds. The series Seinfeld became very popular as it spanned nine years. The length of the sitcom shows that its story lines were interesting and unique to keep the audience watching for that amount of time. The show was based on four friends living in the Upper West Side of Manhattan and they encounter many unique people and stories. These stories includes romances, friends and relationships with people from a variety of backgrounds. The issue with this variety is how do the plots construe the different races and ethnicities in the characters in the show.
In a search for an explanation to how Seinfeld portrayed races and ethnicities the article "“Does He Actually Say the Word Jewish?” – Jewish Representations in Seinfeld" by Rosalin Krieger gives examples of how the show expressed it Jewishness. Krieger does so by giving specific examples of the characters. She did that in a way to prove her argument that the Jewish representations of the show were because of tradition of self-censorship. She points out that in the show the characters don't openly express their jewishness, but in subtle ways and trying to emphasize the opposite stereotype that they are indeed showing its Jewishness. The reason she gives for why the show was not too open with the character's race and ethnicity is that at the time the came out there wasn't many successful shows that were based on a race or ethnicity. The censorship on races caused those shows to be cancelled. In order for Seinfeld to be successful, it tried to stay away from the characters actual heritage. Overall in the show they tried to stay away from race in religion, unless it was used in a comical way like the Festivas. The Festivus is a holiday the Constanzas made up to be an alternate to Christmas. The Festivus (for the rest of us) was a holiday for non-Christians, but in Krieger's opinion was supposed to be, the Jewish Holiday Hanukah. It are these spins and analysis that Krieger makes to acknowledge the representation of Jewishness in the show. And it is that same analysis needed to understand why episodes of the show would then depict a different race or ethnicity. Her explanations of the character’s appearance and personal lifestyles shows the Jewish ethnicity and by using that analysis to look at entire episodes that are based of off a race or ethnicity could explain why they used that story, how they portrayed the image in comparison to the original.
Rosalin Krieger thinks the shows tries to hide most of its ethnicities because it wasn't accepted, but in doing so it creates those subtle jokes that make the show funny. The avoidance of basing the show off of a race, religion or ethnicity strips away a part of reality from the show and when episodes pertaining to different racial stereotypes air they made the show realistic in that it was adopting those stereotypes from the nation’s culture and reflects the image back to them. In doing so they are also diffusing the tension of those racial matters. It is just like trying to hide the Jewishness in order to not be judged on it, but the opposite. They are coming right with the jokes, and trying to make light of the situation. Seinfeld was used in a way to represent the American population and try to change common beliefs and situations through hiding or exposing race and ethnicity.
Seinfeld's use of stereotypes were exploited in several instances to create and entire episode. It are these episodes that a wider audience could relate to because it is dealing with a larger image. In the episode called "Soup Nazi" the gang learns about this soup place which is to die for. The problem with the store is that it is owned by one of the strictest men alive, hence the name "Soup Nazi". They are using the connection with the term Nazi and the control in which Germany was under to describe this character. He had his rules of how to proceed into the store then order. Everything was structured, just like with the Nazis. When someone stepped out of line or did something improper the "Soup Nazi" would assert his authority and say, "No soup for you!". Sometimes he would even ban the person from the store for a certain amount of time. George's character asked for bread and was being charged and he pointed out that others before him were getting it for free, for speaking his mind in order to be treated fairly he was refused of his soup. Elaine's character also tested him, as she didn't believe he was the strict man that he was and took her time ordering banging on the counter. For doing that she was banned for an entire year. She was in shock that a man would actually follow the style of the Nazi's in that day in age. Later in the episode, Kramer gets a cabinet from the Soup Nazi and gives it to Elaine. When the Soup Nazi found it was for Elaine he was irate which says that his friendship with Kramer isn’t as important as his business. This also closely resembles Hitler’s mottos.
The character was clearly mocking that of Nazi Germany which has been a tense situation. The question is posed why was this character there, why was he presented in that fashion. The character himself was actually based off a real person, Al Yeganeh. Yeganeh was actually an immigrant of Iranian descent who owned a Soup Kitchen in Manhattan. He apparently also followed most of the strict rules that were presented in the episode. Seinfeld and Larry David saw this as a chance to present turn the story into a more controversial topic because Yeganeh’s style so closely resembles it. However we don’t know the actual ethnicity of the man playing the Soup Nazi in the show, his real name was not even said in the episode. It wasn’t until the very last episode of the show that they revealed it. By doing this the audience doesn’t get to know who the man is, all they know is that he is the Soup Nazi and when you hear the word Nazi people think and expect to style and actual representation of that.
The show stayed true and portrayed him as a dictator that did things his own way. However, it is way the main characters in the show interacted with him that created the accepted comedy. The main characters, described by Krieger, are very self involved people and come up with the craziest thoughts about people so they could reason that they are better. Better meaning, they are just pleasing their own egos and get what they want and if something goes wrong they blame it on the other person. The show’s success has been based on these four making fun of the styles each other and and the other characters they encounter. What the show is trying to do is incorporate these larger and more controversial issues into their comedy routines. In doing so they are trying to bring this issue in terms with an American experience. Even though they may make politically incorrect marks, they are taking in this sticky topic to show that it can be taken in a less extreme and a more casual manner.
Seinfeld shows an inclusion of race and ethnicity in order to raise the public image of the topic and mold it into an American custom. They are taking what the cultural displays and using that to reproduce a new image to the public. It is the inclusion of the American cultures into television and the acceptance of the edgy jokes that makes the show successful.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

essay 4 rought draft: if i die in a combat zone

The Vietnam war faced much criticism over issues of government and imperialistic control. Why must the government call upon a draft and send thousands of soldiers, many of which are clueless to the purpose, into war? What are the goals of these soldiers? Why are they there and what do they gain? In Tim O’Brien’s war story, “If I Dies in a Combat Zone” he is searching for why it is just to fight in the war. Through his interactions with those in charge he looks for the answers, how to deal with war. The main issue he is told to deal with is that he is already at war and needs to face his fear. What the war stories tries to point out is that there is a connection between ones courage and morals. One’s morals can get in the way of being courageous because it adds the component of doubt. The leaders of the army he encounters don’t deal with that because they have realized they must strip some morals to be able to do what they do. O’Brien thinks courage is the solution for soldiers to deal with the war. Which for the most part is true. In his experiences he learns what true courage is, but it never solves the issue to why the war happened to begin with. It just goes to show that while at war, he doesn’t need to be worried about causes, but more so protecting himself and those with him.
A soldier’s initial training for war starts in basic training where the drill sergeant is supposed to show you skills and give you the drive to forward. In Tim O’Brien’s experience in basic training he had an drill sergeant Blyton. His character was cold hearted and solely on the army. He did not care for the reasons of the war. Erik had a special meeting with him and talked about his problems with the war. Blyton’s response was closed-minded as he called him a coward. Blyton’s character was one that would accept all those that conformed to the war. His responsibility was to achieve that from all the soldiers. In his training he required all in the platoon to yell chants that showed their superiority and courage over the weak. As a new soldier who still doesn’t have there questions answered are only told that they need to man of and stop being afraid, which to them means courage.
O’Brien describes him as, “He is evil. He does not personify the tough drill sergeant; rather he is the army; he’s the devil. Erik mutters that we’ll get the bastard someday. Words will kill him” (O’Brien, 41). This shows how this new soldiers are still connected to the real world. Even in his advancement into the advanced training he still had issues dealing with the question. He was signed up to have a meeting with the chaplain whose purpose is to set these people who are “afraid” of war in the right direction. After telling him his thought they ended up in an argument. They both stood their ground on the issue. They argued whether America was wrong and whether O’brien was bailing on his country. The argument grew too much that the chaplain handed it over to the battalion commander. Both conversation got him no answers. All he got was very little sympathy as they assume he is just afraid of combat; they tell him to deal with it and its not that bad. They still have their thoughts and opinions, but as soon as they go to war they will learn quickly the answers of why the war is happening is not important, but rather how to survive the war.
While in Vietnam, in the middle of the war, he realizes that he must find a way to survive. His commander, Captain Johansen, is a completely different leader. A very laid back man, that allowed his troops to lay low during the war. Never forced them into a lot of hard combat. He was a man of solitude that didn’t necessarily think the war was right or wrong, but did believe in the combat. He was a man of courage and fought for that. /*Even though he did not see that out of his soldiers, he knew he had to lead with courage for them*/ To him courage is very unique and very few possess the true courage that he believes in. Courage is more than just bravery, it is wisdom. To him courage is how you act in the face of danger. A courageous man would act wisely in those situations instead of shivering in his boots. In combining wisdom and endurance, as he explains in the conversation between Socrates and Laches, he is bringing together the issues of morals and courage. In a conversation with O’Brien he never once answered the question whether or not the war was just, he would only crack jokes. However, when he brings up the issue of courage, he is telling how he personally has been dealing with the issue. This makes O’Brien think about his own life, whether or not he has made the “proper courageous” decision. He claims he barely endured his training for war but questions whether or not it was wise. He wants to believe that the war s not just, but even so he finds himself not able to run away from it. The pressure of courage and disloyalty causes him to remain a member of the war. The sergeants call them pussies and disloyal to the US for being afraid. Those in control are not allowing him to be free and he is forced to deal with his own opinions. Also O’Brien does not want to disappoint his family as his father was a former marine and mother a member of the WAVE. If he were to skip out of the war that would just create embarrassment for his family. Johansen is trying to show O’Brien that the officers know that it isn’t easy and that the reasons for war aren’t perfectly clear and not important when you are in war. The best thing for O’Brien to do is survive the war by any means necessary, if he has fear he should not be running out onto the field alone. Who knows whether or he will be able to pull the trigger every time. The issues of courage are brought to the forefront with Captain Johansen. He is the most important leader he had in his tenure. No other officer truly sat down and opened up with and tried to answer him. Most of the other officers just knew that they had to train them to kill and not die. Johansen is where O’Brien can realize that the morals are not completely thrown out the window, but rather it is more important to worry about the lives that are still around and don’t deserve to be lost.

The leadership under Smith showed how important it is to keep troops interest in mind. Smith didn’t approve of hookers, weed, or anything that distracted the men too much from the war. He never appeared to care that those things helped the soldiers deal with the stress of the war, which only caused more stress. Will talk about how in doing so effects some of the soldiers morals, and how their focus is pulled off the war.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


As times change so does the way men and women look at life and what they need to do to stay successful. In the 1930’s the approach turn to participation and belonging. (Susman, 172). The country is going through many changes as jobs opportunities are different. Many people in the nation will have to find a way to fit into this new culture. Franklin D. Roosevelt believes that in order to help solve the situation the American approach to work and success will need to change. FDR realizes that it is not the fault of the population for their failures, but that of the government. With the government’s guidance, society can grow by not only more successful people, including gender and race, but also by working together and completing greater feats.
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s speech creates a sense of unity just like Warren Susman creates in his perception of the culture. FDR’s ways in which he goes about to achieve this unity breaks away form the ideological government that Susman describes as a government whose sole purpose is to maintain security, nationally and domestically. FDR looked to change the way the government interacted with the people by looking at the American experiences from the past. He points out the importance of labor throughout American history and how the country was cultivated and prospered through that manner until the industrial revolution. This era brought a change to the social and economical situation in America, a situation that FDR felt needed to be fixed. He agrees that was individualism is a good quality to have as an American. Through tough times Americans could get themselves out of a bad situation buy selling labor. Even though he believed that individualism was important, it was worse for society to let many people fail in these times. The country had changed and how to become successful had changed. He knew it was time for society to accept the change, but many had issues with accepting the fact that everyone would be on an equal playing field. This political change in government causes distress to those from the right. The countries followers of Hoover would see this as a change from what is America as it becomes more socialist. Roosevelt looked to “provide jobs, help the unemployed, assist young people with education and work, care for the young and old damaged by a breadwinner’s unemployment, salvage homes and bank accounts, and also build the social infrastructure that capitalism ignored” when times got bad. When society didn’t provide the opportunities for the un-wealthy then the government should step in to make sure the country stays strong. He is looking to protect their individualism by keeping them in the American culture. The idea of having a stable country will create a close bonding culture, which Susman sees as important in society because it creates security.
The second picture is called Security of the Family by Seymour Fogel. The title suggests the families need to be protected in these times of change, which Fogel tries to express in most of his works. The picture is very socially correct with FDR’s image of the new working class culture in America. It is true depiction of the New Deal as you can see different genders and races assuming new roles in society. He also includes the cause of this change in the background where the skies are very dark and grey hovering over the construction site. This symbolizes the change the country is going from the agricultural business to the new industrial factories there is a dark cloud. A dark cloud that can create struggles for many Americans. Fogel proceeds to contradict the idea that this mural is about the downfall of workers by presenting a new generation of the working class.
The people in frame are very unique as their actions are somewhat altered from what is normal for their gender and race. This “family” demonstrates the new positions men and women, white or black can have in America. On the right hand side there is what appears to be an African American male who seems to be leisurely sitting and reading the newspaper at a table. This is a change from the normal perception that a black man should be working in agriculture or in factories, but instead he can sit at home and relax and does what he wants to do. This goes to show the FDR’s New Deal doesn’t fully alter ones individualism. Even though they are being helped to be successful, their success is what allows them to be able to read and formulate their own expressions and identities. There are other characters to this story that also show the change. The girl on the left seems to be either designing something or doing some work on the chalkboard, instead of her playing with dolls, or clothes. There is more a work/business aspect when you look at the girl. As well as the mother in the middle. It is clear she is a mother with the baby in hand, but the way she is dressed and the stance she has makes her look like a business women. She is definitely the dominant figure in the picture, standing tall in the middle of the frame. It is the first sign of change that women are now taking more control in work. It gives a message to all mothers that they can still have a family and work through the New Deal. Attached to the mother is the baby which represents the new generation, but has a connection to the past. It appears the baby is holding onto a branch of the tree and the tree symbolizes the agricultural way of life. The baby is used to show that as America continues to go from generation to generation they will always have that connection to this successful time and what they used to be. This is main point that FDR points out, he doesn’t want to change the public, he doesn’t want to change who they are as an individual, he just wants to create more opportunities.
The New Deal was change the lives of individuals by providing more opportunities, which creates a new more powerful workforce. In “Construction of the Dam” by William Gropper, Gropper is quick the show how a culture that works together can achieve great goals. What stands out in this picture is this massive structure being held high in the air. Looking at it you can see a very difficult task at hand as it hangs in the open air with the mountains in the background. The little glimpse of context lets us understand the location and how to deal with the situation. In the bottom right corner of the frame is the most important part of the mural, the construction workers that are helping in this task. This group looks like they are hard at work trying to get that part of the dam complete. The most effective way to get that done is by commitment and working together, which they seem to be doing. In this group of men is not only white men, but also black men. The assimilation of the blacks, whites and the commitment to working together will allow you to to do more than any individual can do on his own. FDR points out that individualism can take so many places so far, which is why this mural depicts that unity can push the limit of capabilities. It is the governments responsibilities to get as many people working as possible, the more people working the more money is being circulated. In following that idea, the government can give people jobs in construction like in this picture. It is just one of the many ways in which the government can help the situation.
Thinking outside the frame of what is shown, there is numerous possibilities for anyone continued throughout. The mural is of a worksite which contains many jobs and possibilities. The entire complex could be filled with these employees doing little jobs. However it is more important to choose this frame because it captures the essence of the New Deal. Susman talks about the culture of the 30‘s as being close bonding community. In this work environment all the men are bunched together on the hill guiding the tube and preparing its placement. The job itself would not have been gotten done without all the men involved. This picture also maintains individuality as almost each man has a unique job. They are either digging, planning or navigating. However the most symbolic man in the photo would have to be the man standing on top of the tube. Raised high in the sky over this monstrous piece of concrete, he symbolizes success, he is conquering his job. It goes to show anyone who works in any field that they can be the man standing on the top. There exists success within a larger group of people, which Roosevelt tries to keep with the New Deal.
Through these murals you see the change that FDR wants to incorporate into the American society. No individual can build a dam. He needs the group. A group that continues to expand as more and more people enter the country, both men and women. The more people working successfully the more stronger the country gets. A strong country does not consist of individuals, who when they fall find it difficult to get up. In these strong societies no one can fall to far. Overall participation and commitment from all will push the possibilities of communities but the entire country.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Paper 2 Draft

Breaking Barriers

The assimilation of the black culture into the growing America was a dream of many of the slaves. However, it is the dreams of the native white Americans that continue to hold them back from ascending into significant members of society. It had been a norm of America to take advantage of the inferior to better their own cause. The American Empire establishes new land through dominating these weaker populations. Kaplan believes that America at this time, the whites, looked at people of color as if they were completely different and incapable of matching up with them. They were thought of as effeminate and were discriminated against because of their different ethnicity. By having that approach with enemies, the whites also formed that hypothesis on the African-American population in America. Blacks are not given the opportunity take control of their lives because they are not seen as a someone capable of doing so. Blacks assume they have functionality other than doing blue collar work. They don't think they are of much value, but in fact they are. Whites would not do the work and that is why they buy slaves and trade them. They are a commodity for them. Once the blacks become free they must realize that they are no longer under control by one man who plans to use them for personal use. They need to break the mindset that they will continue to do blue collar jobs for the rest of their lives. They need to not only show themselves that, but also to the whites who are the dominant culture in America. The whites are stuck in with the idea of "Myth of the Old Negro" as Locke puts it. They don't see the changes that Blacks should and have been making for years. They have taken advantage of many jobs in the industries including the cosmetics industry which have produced many successful. However, many tried to identify themselves with the white race in order to make life easier. In doing so they are leaving behind their roots. It is those significant steps that African-Americans need to take to be accepted in the culture. Whites continue to believe that blacks are an inferior and unworthy race and it is the responsibility of the blacks to prove that they can help by following suite with the goals and standards of native born Americans.

The Imperialist America the beliefs were that they felt superior to others and this belief continued through the times of the Emancipation of the slaves. In America the symbol of the White Heroic man that will go to war, win and return with with many rewards meant strength and success. The opposition was seen as effeminate and weak. The Americans can go and scare away the likes of the Filipinos. With a constant demonstration that people of color can easily be manipulated to their advantage, America begins to believe that this will work for all minorities. Even before the Emancipation the Dred Scott case laid another expectation when it came to the slaves. Whites were supposed to have complete authority of their slaves, and this case allowed slave-owners to torture their slaves. Once the African-Americans were freed the opposition was immediately heavy. The Jim Crow Laws were immediately enforced after the Emancipation of the slaves. The manner in which the laws were stated made light of the impact the laws had. They assumed the blacks were not educated enough to understand what it was actually saying. They wanted them to think they got what they wanted, which was the rights, as long as they had it only with African-Americans. But in actuality, they limited all the possibilities the blacks had. Not only were politically creating trouble but also within the social spectrum. African-Americans were seen as dangerous people. They were accused of raping white women. Douglass points out that no one ever used to complain before when they were slaves and were left at home alone with the women when the men were at war. (743) This shows thats they are looking for excuses to mistreat the blacks, whether or not they are truly afraid of them or they can't see how their lives could function with them as a member of society. They KKK was created to “protect white women” from the blacks. Its more so they can torture their former slaves. Americans adopted the same beliefs they had for many others and that is people of color are incapable of governing themselves (Kaplan, 117) and hence feel that they need to control them and set an example. By continuing to have an imperialistic outlook on people of color it will make it harder for blacks to surpass the boundaries made by whites in the time of slaves. This creates a psychological affect for blacks that makes them think they can't change what whites think of them. No matter what they do they continue to feel that the superior race will always looks down on them.

As black men continue to find jobs and redefine the African-American identity the women are always finding ways to improve their image. Women both white and black have come to see consumption as a way to not only define their image, but also a way to earn wages by making it an occupation. According to Piess, the expansion of products released makes women feel that they need to stay up to date and buy all these products. The use of cosmetics gave women a way to perfect their image and personality, which is important when it comes to representation. Women felt that they had to be able to represent themselves and their community well. Women felt they needed to appeal to an audience. For black women they felt that if they could look more respectable, in this case look more white. In doing so, they are showing that black women and their race can be like and look like white people. That would be an attempt to show the whites that they are changing by just looking at their appearance. They hope that this will lead to acceptance of their race.

The consumption and cosmetics field also provided a way for women to get jobs. Piess categorized cosmetics into three categories, "Class" for the wealthy and upper middle class, "Mass" the cosmetics sold in drugstores and the "Ethnic" cosmetics is for women of color. Blacks learned how to create businesses and manufacture cosmetics. Many entrepreneurs have found was to sell and sell well. Anthony Overton used his daughters faced powder product and created one of the largest Black-owned businesses in America. C.J. Walker realized what black women needed to look like and created it for them. If an entire race wants to white, then why not give them that, they will pay for it. Simply knowing your target audience and what is popular can make them successful. It is important that these people established that it can be done because it created jobs for many blacks. Simple jobs that they can do in the homes and then go door-to-door to sell. The success in these areas created more job opportunities in beauty parlors throughout the neighborhoods. The new jobs represent a new self-dependence which they never had before. They couldn't work freely before and this start creates an image that black women can work. They can contribute to society just like white women through cosmetics.

There are several ways in which African Americans can affiliate themselves with America in which they are breaking barriers and proving that they are not the slaves they were in years past. They have become members of society. James Van Deer Zee, a famous photographer of black culture, shows the different positions black have taken in society. He portrays many women sitting in a tea and beauty parlor. The consumption industry becomes widely popular and a way for African-American women to band together. A stronger and closer community will make it easier to be persistent against the discriminate whites. Another mean of showing loyalty to the nation is by serving for them. The black soldiers are now taking the roles of the White Heroic males of the imperialistic army. Africans taking the responsibilities of these heroes can prove that they too can be that savior. The sign of wealth within the African-American communities are those that show that they have established a luxurious foundation. The picture with the family by the piano shows a sign of sophistication. Sophistication means they are not the blue collared slaves that they once were. The whites can appreciate the music and class expressed in the photo. The photo of the family having tea is also very sophisticated and luxurious. The clothes, jewelry and the furniture clearly show class. This portrait shows that at this time it is possible to assimilate to the American culture and prove previous cultural perceptions wrong. The best way to do so is to lead by example. That is exactly what Africans-Americans will need to continue, prove by example. There is no other way to demonstrate than by showing you can be one of them.

The constant struggle for equality is everything a minorities works for. Whether they actually believe that can attain this goal or not they must realize they are trying to break a psychological mindset that had been formed through years of non-equivalent relations:

But while the minds of most of us, black and white, have thus burrowed in the trenches of the Civil War and Reconstruction, the actual march of development has simply flanked these positions, necessitating a sudden reorientation of view. We have not been watching in the right direction; set worth and South on a sectional axis, eve have not noticed the East till the sun has us blinking. (Locke, 1)

The blacks must band together and make their actions and changes visible to everyone. The must not allow the imperialistic ways of superiority keep them down. They must become the image and symbol of America. If they think they cannot make a difference then they wont. They must be persistent in their attempts to gain respectability and define their population. They must create the identity of being a human being and not just accepting the “formula” (Locke) that they to be held down and easily manipulated. They must use the likes of the Great Migration and other opportunities to get more jobs and become more “American”. However, are there any ways in which these opportunities won't won't cause commotion with the white population? African Americans and all immigrants will eventually be taking jobs from the white population. There are bound to be more protests or at least resent towards them. It is the imperialistic America that believes that they are the best, no one can take control away as long as that symbol of a saviour remains.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

As The World Watches...Online

On Youtube's homepage there is the usual Videos being watched now, their promoted videos and youtube's featured videos. The featured videos are usually the most popular or relevant videos at the time. On this special day there is no surprise that the featured video is of Obama's Inauguration, a 20 minute video that takes you through the main event of occasion. The owners of Youtube felt this day should not just be a look at our future in Barack Obama, but it should be a day to remember the history that has been made on this day in years past. Along with Obama's inauguration, youtube has added inaugurations dating back to Franklin D. Roosevelt's inauguration in 1933 to the list of featured videos. (Video from C-SPAN) This is a good idea by youTube to show the past inaugurations because it allows us all to compare and see how this country has indeed changed throughout the past century. You get to all the promises made by former presidents and by watching the video of the following president you will gain an understanding of that president had accomplished. YouTube is probably the only place you would find these videos today. Most places will only carry today's inauguration and related videos. It provides some diversity for the viewer. The one problem is that the old inauguration videos take up most of the homepage, making it a bit more unclear where to find videos related to today's inauguration.

Also on the homepage of YouTube there is a video advertisement called Refesh Everything. This advertisement contains celebrities (Eva Longoria, Will.I.Am, Jeff Gordon, Kenan Thompson and more) and they congratulate Obama on his victory and wish him luck. The purpose of the advertisement is to give people to post videos of what they want changed or not changed during Obama's Presidency. It is called an Open Letter where people can talk about what they want. This is a great idea by the creaters of Refresh Everything, which is pepsi. It takes advantage of our advancing technology and resources in the world. These videos can be created and upload by anyone and can be viewed by anyone in the world, including our government. The major factor on how successful this will be is how the public will use this opportunity, which many haven't had in the past. After watching a couple of them it doesn't seem this opportunity hasn't reached its full potential. There were a couple where people talked about what they wanted changed in the government, but then there were a lot that were about personal ideas that would provide no important change in our nation. There was one where a guy asked Obama to bring back A-tracks. I feel thats sort of a waste of time having to watch that when you are expecting to see someone talk about how to make our lives better.

At the top of the homepage contains the Videos being watched now section. As the list of 5 videos cycle through different videos I noticed that about 1 out of the 5 videos shown at a time is related to the inauguration. I know this probably doesn't truly portray the percentage watching the inauguration coverage, but 20% is still a fairly small number. This percentage just goes to show that the world does not revolve around the United States. The majority of the populations around the world don't find our inauguration that important. Or they watch it on television, but the time difference would lead us to believe that the would watch it in person. The rest of the people just follow their usual lives and watch their usual videos: music videos, spoofs, comedies, etc.

After looking through tens of videos I noticed that almost all the videos were only of Obama taking the oath and/or making his speech. There was not much about anyone else introduced or even our new Vice-President Joe Biden. If you wanted to see Biden sworn in you would have to search it yourself. You would think he would have at least one video on the homepage, but he did not. Instead you had videos of now Ex-President Bush getting booed practically off stage. Some may say he deserves that, but still it was a bit harsh and probably embarrassing for him. From being there the crowd really wasn't too happy with him and felt no remorse. Some of the titles I saw on some of the videos also imply that they didnt have much remorse either. Other videos appearing were videos of Obama campaigning and the AP's coverage of the inauguration ceremonies. There were even some videos that had nothing to do with the inauguration, and were kind of random. There is this town in Japan called Obama. Rightfully so, they used that to their advantage and stocked up on Obama merchandise. There are other videos that show you around D.C. and pretty much sell the place and show what the city is like other and the government. This Inauguration has allowed others to use it to build up their own publicity all around the world.

The most diverse and informative part of youtube would be the comments left on videos. They show what the public thinks and how they respond to others. The main Inauguration video has been up for almost twelve and there is already 900,000 views and over 18,000 comments. Clearly people have something to say. The discussions varied through several topics and came from various people. There were several comments by international viewers. They wished Obama the best of luck and are glad he won. Not only are Americans looking for change but others that watch us from the outside see that we need one. It is always helpful to know what others think about us, it can only make us better. There were many arguments about how Bush was treated at the event. Some defended the Ex-President and believe he didn't do terrible with the circumstances he had to deal with. Some were respectful of these people and thought it good that they stand behind their beliefs. However, others didn't feel the same way and completely based them and Bush. Another major argument was over whether Obama should be considered 'black'. People said if you're half you're black, thats the American belief. Others argued that his Presidency is not so important because he is half Caucasian. It became some war of a racial war where people were calling others racist. More importantly, people congratulated Obama with his win and are hoping for a change. Now that the dream has come true, the world will change.

YouTube has become a prime way to communicate thoughts throughout not only this inauguration but in everything. The comments from that one video show how diverse people are and how they think. The was a war of words. YouTube can't control what people say or do, they just allow them to do what they like. That is a good thing because we can now see clearly everything. YouTube isn't responsible for the communication between two people. YouTube tries to broadcast as much footage and from different aspects. In this Inauguration they were up and accessible for everyone to catch a glimpse of history. For those who couldn't be there in person they rely on these sources to keep them up to date on the important events during the ceremony.